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Re: Matching # of recipients in To:?

1997-08-06 09:36:00
On Tue, 5 Aug 1997 07:07:20 -0700 (MST), Wotan <wotan(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com>
 > How about something like this:
 > :0
 > * ^To: \/.*
 > {COMMA=`echo $MATCH| grep -c ,`}
 > :0
 > * ? test $COMMA -gt 5
 > {whatever action you want}

Someone posted this gem to the list some time ago for counting and
limiting the number of people in a CC.  

With a bit of editing, you should be able to combine my previous posting
to get a better result.  If yo don't mind missing multiple To:  lines.  :)

# Actually lets you accept cc's of a certian size.

* 1^1 MATCH ??,
* $ -$PERM_COUNT^0

Greener's Law:
        Never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel.

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