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Re: make install no worky :/

1997-08-11 08:46:00
"[Top Secret]" <web401a5(_at_)topsecret(_dot_)net> writes:
i know how you gurus hate questions from questions like this, but i am 
not sure how to translate what i'm looking at here.  i'm trying to 'make 
install' as an underprivladged user and this is what i get:
cc -O _autotst.c -o _autotst -s
./initmake: cc: execute permission denied

It looks like your sysadmin is too paranoid, and has made the C
compiler unexecutable to you (and presumably most of the rest of the
users).  This is kinda pointless as you could just as well have someone
email you a binary.  You should talk with your sysadmin (try sending
email to "root") and convince them that you need to use the C
compiler.  This may turn into a tangle of site policy control, so good

Philip Guenther

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