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Re: How to extract some header information

1997-08-21 06:51:15
Martin Ramsch <ramsch(_at_)forwiss(_dot_)uni-passau(_dot_)de> writes:
On Aug 20, M.C Wong wrote:
So, the obvious point is that, the message gets forwarded 2 (or 3 times 
if F2 is involved) and the header would be added to the original
message presumably and how could one extract the very *original* header 
information from the message ?

Just a quick idea: let F1 rewrite the original mail as a
multipart/mixed MIME message that has exactly one part: the original
mail of type message/rfc822 (possibly quoted-printable or base64
encoded to preserve even strange chars).

Why multipart it?  Just stick the entire original message into the
body, add a "Content-Type: message/rfc822" header, possible encode it,
and off you go.

Philip Guenther

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