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Re: Forged Received line?

1997-08-22 23:40:51
On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, W. Wesley Groleau x4923 wrote:

  Received: from fake_source (true_source []) by ....

Can a header be in this format and not be spam?


When I connect to with my Nt system and send mail thru netcom,
this is exactly the sort of recieved line that appears.  

It will appear in the format of:

Received: from my-machine-name (netcom-mailserver [IP# I connected with]

Depending on my humor, I sometimes use a semi-realistic name, although I
usually stick with something like Vallhalla.

Or sometimes, if I feel like playing games, I'll use an SMTP server I know
will accept whatever its told, and rename my machine to something like
hell.  Produces some intersting responces on occassion.  :)

All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.

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