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Forward to a pager. or any outside mail account.

1997-08-27 10:49:30
Most of you are going to say that this is cake, well check out my situation.

Our company has a registered domain name  We have asked the
administrators at our ISP to forward all mail to to our isp
account.  Basically *(_at_)company(_dot_)com ! user(_at_)isp, I think...
We then us a linux box to go and fetch the mail down and use procmail to
distribute the mail to all the users on the Linux system.

so if mail is to  bubb(_at_)company(_dot_)com it goes into user(_at_)isp 
mailbox, then we
fetch and procmail sends it to bubba(_at_)local(_dot_)net(_dot_)  The internal 
Domain name
( used is not the same as the registered one.  so i run into
problems if I just say 

*^TO user(_at_)local(_dot_)net
! email(_at_)elsewhere

Because it is using the root account (Don't yell I know) to send the mail
out.  So its return address is root(_at_)local(_dot_)net which doesn't resolve 
doesn't get sent by my ISP's mail server.

if this is really easy I am sorry but I have tried everything and I am sure
that its buried somewhere I have not looked yet.  Any Help would be

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