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Re: Second request for help with 'for' line

1997-08-28 17:35:30

Greg Maples <greg(_at_)clari(_dot_)net> writes:
I promise that I won't post this a million times, but I would like some
pointers.  Any help appreciated.  Repost follows.

Perhaps no one answered because you didn't provide enough information
to figure out what's going on, and therefore the reply would mostly be
questions back to you and explanation of apparently unrelated
concepts.  For instance, you should have explained your relation to
"".  Without knowing that it's 'your' domain, your
question is almost nonsensical: "You don't like mail from  Then /dev/null it!"

Any ideas on what recipe can be used to catch the 'for' entry below in a manner
that won't disturb valid mail?
Note the 'dbennett(_at_)netconnect(_dot_)net' entry.  This is a mis-addressed 
probably intended for ''.  I'd like to filter for all non-valid entries, and do so for valid 'TO' entries.  There is no TO
line to filter this on though.

You'll have to be more specific about how to tell 'valid' messages
from 'invalid' messages.  Is any message with a Received: header that
contains a "for" clause with an address in the domain
invalid?  (probably not.)

Your mention of [doing so] "for valid 'TO' entries" sounds like you
want to examine the recipient address, and, if it's a valid address in
the domain, let the message through.  This actually
brings up the question of how mail address to 
ends up being processed by procmail.  Since appears to
be a virtual domain hosted by, I would guess you have a
sendmail mailertable entry on that specifies that should be delivered via the procmail mailer, in which
case you should be _ignoring_ the To: header and instead making mail
routing decision based on the second argument given to procmail.
Failing to do so means that address will never be able
to subscribe to mailing-lists.

Perhaps you should consider the question, "why did whatever handles route this message to me, given that I'm not
<dbennett(_at_)netconnect(_dot_)net>?"  Once you answer that question, you 
be able to change that mechanism to do otherwise.

Philip Guenther

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