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Re: message-ID

1997-08-31 14:54:38
On Sun, 31 Aug 1997, Tomas Karlsson wrote:

I receive many spams with forged message-ID, such as this one:

Message-ID: <353527657849(_dot_)CAA49873(_at_)mkmniforu(_dot_)com>

Is there a ways to check if the message-id header line begins with 
Message-ID: <1997
..and send such message directly to a folder called bad_id?

Sure.  The following test should kill all non-RFC822 Message-Id:
headers.  The whitespace in each set of brackets consists of a single
space and a single tab.

# Invalid RFC 822 Message-Id: header.
* !^Message-Id:[        ]*<[^   <>@]+(_at_)[^        <>@]+>[         ]*$

Thanks to whoever posted this earlier.  

Gregory S. Sutter                       "How do I read this file?"
mailto:gsutter(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com                "You uudecode it."          "I I I decode it?"

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