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Re: mail separation - From and Content-Length

1997-09-01 02:45:46

   Philip Guenther <guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu>:

   This is probably the best way to do it: use the header rewriting tool
   (sendmail) to generate the needed header, and let procmail do its job
   without having to modify the message length.  Assuming you have a
   relatively recent sendmail, the following line should do
   the trick:

   # Condition the addition of the line on the presence of the '5'
   # flag, which should only be on the local mailer.
   H?5?Content-Length: 000000000

Thanks for the tip!  This is what we will go for.

   >But procmail should really be able to do this by itself!

   Why add quite a bit of complexity to procmail when there's already an
   efficient way to do it?

Efficient maybe, but it's still a hack. The question is whose job it is
to localy deliver the message correctly, and that's not sendmail. :)
(I don't see why this would be such a complex addition to procmail).

Gjermund Sørseth

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