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Re: Core dumps in mail directory

1997-09-12 19:59:26
"Matthew G. Saroff" <saroff(_at_)vs(_dot_)lmco(_dot_)com> writes:
      I have a series of filters, in my .procmailrc file, and they work fine,
but since an operating system upgrade, I get core in my Mail directory.  Does
anyone out there know what might cause this?

Core dumps from what, procmail?  If you don't know, try running the
command "file core" (or "file Mail/core" or whatever the path to the
core file is).  Many versions of the "file" command will tell you what
program dropped the core file there.  If it is procmail, I would
suggest reconfiguring and recompiling it from scratch (upgrade to pre7
while you're at it, if you haven't already).  What OS and version did
you upgrade from and to anyway?

Philip Guenther

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