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Re: make: *** No rule to make target `getparams'. Stop.

1997-09-17 07:12:29
On Sep 17,  9:54am, Hal Wine wrote:
Subject: Re: make: *** No rule to make target `getparams'. Stop.
"Matthew G. Saroff (Do not Reply to this Address)" 
On Sep 17,  7:31am, Hal Wine wrote:
Subject: Re: make: *** No rule to make target `getparams'. Stop.
"Matthew G. Saroff" (<msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net>) wrote:
 does anyone out there know what the above error means when it
occurs when installing Smartlist?

Yes, it means that you haven't built procmail yet.  Build procmail
then execute Smartlist's script.
    Procmail is already installed on the system (by the sysops).

I didn't say "installed", I said "built".  You need to get and untar the
procmail sources in your own directory, then get and untar the
corresponding Smartlist sources in the same directory tree.

Then build (but don't install) procmail, then install Smartlist using the script.  Smartlist uses and builds files in the Procmail source
tree, so that has to be done first.

don't have the time to mess with getting Smartlist running.  Obviously,
when I
attempt to install Smartlist, it's not finding Procmail.
    What do I have to do to get the install program to find Procmail?

If the sysops aren't going to install Smartlist, read all the sections in
Manual about non-root use of Smartlist (it works fine).

You should make sure that smartlist, when invoked, uses the matching
version of procmail.  This means either use the version of Smartlist that
matches the sysop installed version of procmail, or set up your PATH such
that you use the version you built.  If you use your own version, make
sure it uses the same locking strategies as the "official" version.
        Pardon my ignorance, but what is the difference between a build and
install?  I downloaded both TAR files, put them in the same directories, and
unTARed them both, and then ran the install file.
        BTW, much thanks for helping out this UNIX feeb.

Matthew Saroff
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