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Re: Notifycation Mail Problem

1997-09-24 02:20:02
On Wed, 24 Sep 97 10:57:27 +0200,
Palotas Peter <sysman(_at_)starkingnet(_dot_)hu> wrote:
I created the following recipe:
:0 c
| (formail -A "" ;\

What version of formail are you using for this, and what is it
supposed to accomplish? The copy I have here doesn't permit this

This is probably more like what you want:

| formail -XFrom: -I"Subject: You have new mail" -XSubject: \
  | $SENDMAIL -oi my2nd(_dot_)address(_at_)domain(_dot_)hu

Why not forward the entire message while you're doing this, though? 

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