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Re: Squeezing empty lines from message?

1997-11-12 08:49:08
Jari Aalto asked,

|     Does anyone have a handy recipe to trim empty lines
|     from the beginning and from the end of message body?
|     I could run the body through perl filter, but show me an
|     elegant procmail solution :-)

Anything that replaces the body is going to require an outside process, even
if it's only /bin/echo.

If the entire body fits into LINEBUF, then

 * ^^$*\/.(.|$)*.$
 | echo "$MATCH" # trailing extra newline intended

If your version of cat is BSD-ish,

 * $$$
 | cat -s # SysV's cat has a different meaning for -s and cannot do this

otherwise, it can be done with a very simple sed filter:

 * ^^($)|$$$
 | sed /./,/^$/!d

Note that cat -s has slightly different results from the others: if there
are any empty lines at the top of the body, cat -s will keep one.  The echo
and sed suggestion will remove all empty lines from the top and, like cat -s,
keep one at the bottom.

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