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Re: Spam filter & POP3

1997-11-17 05:16:15
On Sun, 16 Nov 1997 13:01:25 -0800 (PST),
Peter Abrahamsen <p1rabbit(_at_)halcyon(_dot_)com> wrote:
I recently installed that procmail spam filter (I forget the name,
but I don't think there are too many), and have realized that,

Unfortunately, there are. I am aware of at least three major efforts. 

.procmailrc or splite files so that they don't delete the incoming
 message?      ^^^^^^

This looks like you are talking about Spam Bouncer Lite. This file
does nothing at all to list mail, and you're not telling us what you
have in your .procmailrc, but it would seem that the Spam Bouncer
instructions contain some hints on how to direct list mail to its own

Anything you save to $DEFAULT is going to end up in your main spool.
In other words, if you have something like 

    # Filter out Mailing List Mail
    * ^TO(listmom-talk(_at_)skylist(_dot_)com|\


you could simply replace both occurrences of bulk.incoming with
$DEFAULT and be done with it. 

Hope this helps,

/* era */

(Properly speaking, Procmail never "deletes" mail unless you
specifically instruct it to. In your case, it merely saves stuff to a
more convenient place, which is however rather inconvenient if you
don't want that :^)

 Paparazzi of the Net: No matter what you do to protect your privacy,
  they'll hunt you down and spam you. <>

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