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Re: Send list to incoming folder

1997-12-06 13:52:53
On Sat, 6 Dec 1997, Andrew Vardy wrote:
How do I send a mailing list to an incoming folder?
Presently, I managed to get a mailing list to go to a folder.  But a Saved
message folder!

You have to specify a full pathanme to the incoming folder. I use Pine,
where my incoming folder is called INBOX by pine, yet it's real pathname
is "/var/mail/dh". If you are using variables in the pathname make sure
they point to the directories you want the mail to go to. If the incoming
folder you want mail to go to is your system mailbox, then this will
        :0 :
        * [condition]

If you need the mail to go to a different incoming folder, then use a full
pathname or a variable set to the full pathname.

        :0 :
        * [condition]

Hope this helps. If not, show us the recipe that you are trying.
David Hunt