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Re: Forwarding mail from user+foo to foo

1997-12-12 22:46:12
At 04:38 PM, 12 December 1997, rsr(_at_)macromedia(_dot_)com wrote:
On December 9, 1997, Philip Guenther <guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu> said:
    # If it's not a special case, forward to the part after the plus.
    # The "--" keep someone from slipping an argument to sendmail
    # by mailing to, say, <rsr+-bs(_at_)your-machine(_dot_)where(_dot_)ever>
    ! -- "$ARG"

Hmm, wait a second -- we're not checking whether $ARG is anything,
so if I send it to just rsr, the above is still matched, and
sendmail tries to mail to a blank address ...

Then put a condition on the recipe:

* ARG ?? .
! -- "$ARG"

:0 E

This will only forward it if $ARG contains at least one character.
Otherwise, it will save it to a mailbox named bogus; this action can of
course be changed to whatever you like.

Aaron Schrab     aaron(_at_)schrab(_dot_)com
 If you want to program in C, program in C. It's a nice language. I
 use it occasionally...   :-)
   --Larry Wall