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Re: Trimming the Subject

1998-01-15 04:33:46
Wed 98-01-14 Vikas Agnihotri <VikasA(_at_)att(_dot_)com> list.procmail
| To compound the problem, some stupid MUAs out there (PC-based surely) have
| the following Subject: header.
| Subject: Re: The real subject -Reply -Reply

Hi Vikas,

I just wrote a procmail recipe to standardize Subject replies: When given
subject like this: (Believe or not, Microsoft products don't respect
any de facto reply formats)

    Subject: Re[32]: FW: Re: Re[15]: Sv: Re[9]: test message

It chages it to

    Subject: Re: test message

The module is included in the newesest pm-code.shar::pm-jasubject.rc 
(See File Server in X-header)


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