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whether a command invokes a shell

1998-01-25 11:21:55
| Incidentally, is there any good way to know when a shell is being
| spawned? In a VERBOSE log, you'll see this when running a shell:
|     procmail: Executing " sed -e 1d -e 2d ;"
| whereas the individual arguments are separated by commas when the
| program is being execed directly:
|     procmail: Executing "sed,-e,1d,-e,2d"
| I was playing around with putting something in my shell's startup
| files to tell me when Procmail is starting up a shell, (so as to avoid
| running a VERBOSE log just to find that out) but wasn't very
| successful. Any ideas?

Define "good way," Era.  Looking for commas in the logfile is good enough for
me.  Surely you want to get that information only during testing and not for
every executed recipe for every incoming message, as you would if you did
something to your shell's startup file.

I wasn't successful trying it in the startup file either; it seems that, at
least for pdksh, pdksh -c 'action line' doesn't read the ENV file (maybe it
would if the command inside the -c option turns out to be a shell script).

You can always put "VERBOSE=on" immediately before the recipe where you want
to see whether a shell is invoked and "VERBOSE=off" immediately after it.

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