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Re: /dev/null Recipe with reply

1998-01-28 22:30:39
Hermann Wecke wrote:

This is my usual recipe for /dev/null:

* 1^1 ^.*parceiro\.com
* -1^1 ^Subject:.*parceiro\.com
So, if the first condition is met (* 1^1 ^.*parceiro\.com)
I would like to reply with a custom message and include the
original message.

    First, let's assume that the IP address of the offending
sender is 148.206.100.XXX (As per the "Received: from" line
in the email headers).  Domain names can easily be forged,
and it would be nice to cut down the recipe to one line.  I
would use...

* !^Received:.from.*.148\.206\.100\.

Send your message to the original domain.  This is the
"delivery" action, and doesn't have to be followed by

    The reason for the inverted logic in the recipe is
to allow multiple IP-blocks.  For instance, assume a
different "nnn.nnn.nnn." in each line...

* !^Received:.from.*.148\.206\.100\.
* !^Received:.from.*.nnn\.nnn\.nnn\.
* !^Received:.from.*.nnn\.nnn\.nnn\.
* !^Received:.from.*.nnn\.nnn\.nnn\.
* !^Received:.from.*.nnn\.nnn\.nnn\.

<Send Reject Message>

Walter Dnes (Toronto)

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