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Re: compiled DEFPATH value

1998-02-07 11:47:31
Philip Guenther suggested to John Ruckstuhl:

| I would suggest that where the source and the binary disagree, the
| binary is a better forcaster of the programs's actions when run.
| If you're really paranoid, try the following:
|       # Copy the path into a variable which won't accidentally be
|       # changed by the shell.
|       FOO = $PATH
|       # Save it to a file
|       :0 ic
|       |echo $FOO >$HOME/procmail_path
| Then send yourself mail and checkout $HOME/procmail_path

There's always this way to learn a variable's initial value (note the strong
quotes), which Stephen uses to get procmail's value for $SENDMAIL in the
scripts that build SmartList:

procmail LOG='$PATH' DEFAULT=/dev/null /dev/null < /dev/null

Since LOGFILE hasn't been defined, $PATH will be printed to the screen.
One caution: if there are any variables in the definition of $PATH (such
as $HOME), they'll be expanded in the output.

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