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Re: #$%&@ e-mails in html

1998-02-10 00:35:42
Mon 98-02-09 Stan Ryckman <stanr(_at_)sunspot(_dot_)tiac(_dot_)net> 
| At 10:42 AM 2/9/98 +0200, jari(_dot_)aalto(_at_)poboxes(_dot_)com wrote:
| >| perl -0777 -pe 's/<[^>]*>//g'
| Doesn't this just get rid of <thing> </thing> stuff?

Yes. That was only an rough approximation. I thought "draft" text 
would be better than seeing pure html.

| ...such as "lynx -dump".

Yes, lynx is propably better. Performance is almost equal I assume.

| so that one can identify and deal ONLY with such mail appropriately
| yet not lose or mangle information content?

The MIME has exact rules in email and my extra attachement
kill recipe works like charm in this respect.

| Personally, I consider HTML-in-email to be one of the worst "inventions"
| ever inflicted on the internet; most of this I get is spam, 

Well, we just have to have html aware MUA and we'd think otherwise :-)

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