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File Server

1998-03-13 15:27:01

I have tried this list once before on this topic, but I am looking for a
little more help. My goal is to setup a very simple fileserver to do the

I have a file in one of my directories (/staff/mholmes/icq) called
and I would like to do the following. Let's say I send a message to myself
from another provider and the subject is:

send icq password

I want procmail to look at the subject, check the password against
something in my .procmailrc file and if it is cool, send out as an
attachment to the address that the request we sent from.

I am on an IRIX SGI 5.3 machine. Any help would be appreciated. Please cc
replies to webmaster(_at_)prodigy(_dot_)nu

Marcus Holmes                           mholmes(_at_)world(_dot_)std(_dot_)com  
Software Tool & Die            

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