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Formail Q: Can I get both user name and email?

1998-03-27 14:13:33

        Let me just say that I really appreciate everyone who has helped
me. FYI I am pouring over the docs to these things but there is just so
much to learn.

        This is the current formail call in my .procmailrc 

        FROM=`formail -rt -x To:`

        How would I get the user name in one var and the email in another?

        This is for a subscription script I have built to send my web site
visitors notes on updates. I am trying to build it so that I have some
record that they placed themselves on the list to prevent false spam
accusations. Is there some message ID I should consider as well? 

        Thanks again. I guess my next web site will be a virtual pizza and beer
tavern for all your help :)...