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Re: [PROCMAIL] Last message store

1998-04-01 21:36:12

"Andrew" == Andrew Vardy 
<avardy(_at_)morgan(_dot_)ucs(_dot_)mun(_dot_)ca> writes:

    Andrew> I would like to do the following.  In Pine, I can access
    Andrew> Pine e-mail message.  Outside Pine, I cannot access Pine
    Andrew> e-mail messages.

    Andrew> I don't like that. I guess I can't change this.  But I
    Andrew> think I would be able to easily access the last message
    Andrew> put in a folder.  I'd like to do this.  Simply copy a
    Andrew> message to a file.  When a message comes in, it would be
    Andrew> stored in file 'lastmsg'.

Pine uses your mail spool file as its inbox.  It doesn't take anything
out of the spool until you do something to it via one of its internal
commands.  This is actually one of the nice things about Pine.  But,
like your spool file, Pine's 'message folders' are actually just big
text files.  They're not split into separate messages.  I think it
actually would be non-trivial to find and export 'the last e-mail
message' in such a file.  Perhaps I should say, it would be
non-trivial to <me>.

If your system has mh -- and I believe it's nearly ubiquitous, but I
might be wrong -- you can access your e-mail from the shell command
line.  Do a 'man mh' to see if it's available.  

I regard mh as actually the glory hole of e-mail; you can use it from
the command line; it's extremely easy to use; there's next to no
overhead because you don't have to load a 'mail program' to read,
reply-to, process your mail.  I mostly use it from within emacs; but I
like being able to quickly check and/or handle my mail when I'm not in
emacs (those rare occasions ... ;-), without having to load/unload a
mail program, and without having to use something different.

Anyway, I won't go on and on about how great mh is (it would be
easy!), but do check it out if you can; it would probably be the best
answer to your question.


                Michael Powe       looie(_at_)teleport(_dot_)com
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