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Advanced mailstat / xbiff

1998-04-23 09:32:07

I am succesfully using procmail to sort my mail into quite a lot of
different folders. Some of these folders are very important while others
are less important. Now since there are quite a few, scanning through all
of them (I use the <tab> key in pine to do this) takes a while, so I'm
looking for a utility that continuously will keep me updated on the status
of my folders (a la xbiff). A snapshot of such a status might look
something like this:

  Unseen  Unread  Total  Folder
     1      3      20    incoming
     3      4      50    weird-stuff
     2      2      30    procmail 

where 'unseen' indicates the number of messages that have arrived in the
given folder since I last visited it. Unread messages are those that I
have seen, but have chosen not to read, and the 'total' is the total
number of messages in the folder. 

In order not to have to scan all my mail frequently I am hoping that this
utility can be made by having procmail call the utility every time it
delivers a mail. Using information about which folder the mail has been
delivered to the utility can then update the counters, and I can see it in
a window in a corner of my desktop without having to type mailstat all the

My questions are therefore :

1) Is there already such a utility out there ? 

2) Is it possible to tell procmail to pass delivery information on to some
   other process ? And if so, how ? 

3) [This is possibly not a procmail question, but anyway ...] How can you
   tell the difference between an unread and an unseen message in a
   folder ? (i.e. how does pine know which folders to stop at when
   tabbing ?)

Thanks for your help !


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