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A simple query

1998-06-01 04:18:30

  I've been looking into using Procmail and MHonArc to archive a
mailing list, and I've come across a small problem, which I hope
someone can fix.

  I'm using a .forward file to invoke procmail on the reception of mail,
and I'd like to send all messages that were sent to a particular address
to a mailbox, _and also_ keep a copy of this message in my inbox.

  The recipe I use for the matching is simple:

* ^TOkent-grads

  I've tried 2 methods, neither of which work to my satisfaction.  Firstly
I tried prepending "\jberanek, " to my .forward file, but this made it
so that I got 2 copies of messages which didn't match the recipe above
(hmm, I've just thought that could be fixed by a catch-all at the end of
the recipe if I knew how to do that).  This method is a bit inefficient.

  The other thing I tried was suggested by someone else on another mailing
list was changing my recipe to:

* ^TOkent-grads
* ^TOkent-grads

  This didn't work at all until I changed it to:

* ^TOkent-grads
* ^TOkent-grads

  But this recipe I don't trust for where I'm finally going to install
this system, because the mailboxes are in a weird IMAP format, and I don't
trust procmail to go appending messages to my mail inbox.

  So, after all that, I end up with one method that's inefficient and one
I don't trust.  Anyone able to fix the second method or can suggest


        John Beranek, Software Engineer, Consultancy Division,
     Acorn Computers Limited.       Web site:
              Tel: +44 1223 725211   Fax: +44 1223 725311

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