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Re: Forwarding mail

1998-06-08 06:11:25
At 09:00 PM 6/8/98 +1000, George Vieira wrote:
Sorry if this isn't a procmail question but is there a way to forward mail
without having to create a .forward , .procmailrc and a rc.mail file..

Can you just use a .forward or something?

        I'm confused -- you want to have your mail forwarded, such as by 
a .forward file, but you don't want to create a .forward file?!?

        If you really want to do *zero* work on this, then you're going to have 
ask your administrator to set up an alias for you to forward your mail over
to wherever you want it, but then you have no control over when that mail
stops being forwarded, etc....

        Trust me, the .forward solution is much better for you.

Brad Knowles                           _                       _ 
brad(_at_)colltech(_dot_)com                     |_| C o l l e c t i v e |_|               |_     technologies      _|
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