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Re: stripping all X- Headers

1998-07-25 14:44:17
mark david mcCreary <mdm(_at_)internet-tools(_dot_)com> writes:
I want to remove all X headers from the email.

The obvious solution, using formail, does not work

:0 fhw
| formail -I X-*:

Close, but not quite:

        :0 fhw
        | formail -I X-

When matching headers, formail just looks for those headers with start
with whatever you gave to formail.  Normally, one includes a colon (or
space, in the case of the pseudo-header "From ") to restrict this to
only one name.  However, if you don't do that it will act as a

Note that this doesn't make sense with the -a or -A arguments, as they
require a value, not just a name.  However, all the other header
arguments will accept wildcards and do the reasonable thing with them:

        formail -i X-           # stick a "Old-" in front of all "X-" headers
        formail -I X-           # remove all "X-" headers
        formail -R X- Y-        # Change the "X-" headers to "Y-" headers
        formail -R X- Foo:      # Change all "X-" headers to "Foo:" headers
                                #   losing whatever was after the "X-".
        formail -u X-           # Make "X-" headers unique, taking the first
                                #   occurence of each different header name.
        formail -x X-           # Extract the values from all "X-" headers.
        formail -X X-           # Extract all the "X-" headers.

Cool, eh?

Philip Guenther

PS. The last character given in the header name doesn't need to be a
'-'.  All the above examples would work just as well with "Bar" instead
of "X-".

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