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Re: help with "forward everything except..."

1998-08-02 09:41:46
On Sat, Aug 01, 1998 at 01:14:00PM -0500, White, Eric wrote:

DONT_FORWARD = "cat email.lst | sed -e 's/ /\|/g'"


I'm not entirely sure about the syntax of the first line. I don't think you
need to send it through sed. Catting the file should be enough.

Andrew Edelstein
PGP Key fingerprint =  CA 74 42 FA B3 B6 C3 97  55 B1 27 EA 0E 59 5F FF 

Sarah - Doctor, you're being a child.
The Doctor - Why shouldn't I? There's no point in being an adult if you can't
act childish now and then.              Dr. Who

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