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re-filtering messages in a mailbox

1998-09-25 11:41:37

I've been experimenting with some new filters, and accidentally sent all my
mail for 12 hours to a single box. Is there a way I can manually get
procmail to refilter all the individual messages contained in this mailbox? 

I've tried "cat folder | procmail -f-" but all that does is filter the
entire mailbox on the first message. I've scanned through the FAQs, but
haven't found anything to help (yet). 

Does anyone know how to do this offhand? 


Jonathan Crockett                                  VOICE (831) 457-5493
Release Engineering Developer                        FAX (831) 457-5208
Global Alliances Software Initiatives              PAGER (800) 365-4578
Cisco Systems, Inc.                           E-MAIL 
101 Cooper Street                      E-PAGER 
Santa Cruz, CA 95060-4526            Cisco Voice Mailbox (408) 525-5493

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