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Re: procmail as system mail delivery agent 123

1998-10-31 15:11:10
Suggestion from a different point of view...

On Sat, 31 Oct 1998, Nick Halloway wrote:
| $HOME/stump/admin/etc/modenv submission
The mail server is on another host.
This error only happens when my .procmailrc is run by the system mail
delivery agent.  When I rename my .procmailrc to something the system 
can't find, and then run procmail myself on my mail after it's 
delivered, it works fine.  

I printed out the environments that modenv has when my .procmailrc is
being used by the system mail delivery, and when it's being used by me,
running procmail from the terminal.  There were two variables that were
different.  HOST was set differently and USER was set differently.  I
set these variables explicitly in modenv, so the environments are now
identical.  It still doesn't work.  Suggestions?

When your mail server's deliery process accesses your personal .forward,
it might be doing so from the point of view of that other mail server
host, perhaps via an automounter or an nfs mount.  Thus, from the delivery
process point of view, the path to your script would be 


rather than, for instance 

as seen from host 'foohost'.  I used 'foohost' to represent the host
that you're logging into yourself, since you didn't mention that.

I haven't experienced this with procmail myself, but I deal with a 
webserver that nfs mounts portions of its document tree and I have to
account for that in scripting.

Something to investigate.

Joi Ellis                   joi(_dot_)ellis(_at_)cdc(_dot_)com
Managed Services            /G=Joi/S=Ellis/O=CDS/P=CDC/A=ATTMAIL/C=US/
Control Data Systems        gyles19(_at_)visi(_dot_)com,

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