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Re: locking problems on SunOS

1998-11-15 23:06:39
Arrigo Benedetti <arrigo(_at_)vision(_dot_)caltech(_dot_)edu> writes:
I installed and configured procmail a few weeks ago on a SunOS/Solaris
mixed environment (SunOS 4.1.3 mail server and Solaris client) and it
has been working apparently with no problem since my friendly system
manager informed me that several procmail processes were eating cpu
time on the server ...

This is what I found in the log file:

6262:procmail: Couldn't unlock "/var/spool/mail/arrigo.lock"
6266:procmail: Couldn't unlock "/var/spool/mail/arrigo.lock"
6342:procmail: Forcing lock on "/var/spool/mail/arrigo.lock"
6352:procmailprocmail: Terminating prematurely whilst waiting for a kernel-loc
6353:: Terminating prematurely whilst waiting for a kernel-lock
I've checked and, yes, I have write permission in /var/spool/mail/.
I've tried to restrict the file locking methods as indicated
in the FAQ with no success. I need to fix this otherwise the sys
manager will be soon mad at me. Would having procmail suid root help?

It's very unlikely that having procmail suid will change anything
here.  Three questions: what locking methods did procmail decide upon
(you can just include the output of "procmail -v"), did you include the
mailspool directory (or some directory similarly mounted) in the
locking tests, and what program do you use to read your email?

Philip Guenther

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