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Re: postfix and content filtering with procmail

1998-12-16 10:42:05
On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Philip Guenther wrote:

"John D. Hardin" <jhardin(_at_)wolfenet(_dot_)com> writes:
Perusal of the postfix overview (at shows
that while you can easily configure postfix to use procmail as the
local delivery agent, there is the comment that "Content filtering
hasn't been implemented yet."

What isn't clear is whether this means built-in content filtering or
hooks to an external program (potentially procmail) is intended - or
perhaps both. One or the other will be necessary for anti-spam where
postfix is used as a hub, as local delivery via procmail is not a
(neat) option. 

postfix has no builtin content filtering.  If you set a particular
variable correctly (program_mailer if I recall correctly from scanning
the documentation and source), then postfix will invoke procmail (or
any other command you specify) with no arguments as the user being
delivered to.  Among other things, this means that /etc/procmailrc will
not be used by procmail unless explicitly included by the user's

I'm aware of that.

The application is postfix (or sendmail) running as a hub (perhaps
"proxy" would be a better term) on a firewall, where there *is* *no*
*local* *delivery* - everything gets passed on to the internal mail
server. Everything.

I need to implement some filtering at that point. There are some types
of internal addresses (mailing lists and such) that only specific
Internet users (some managers use their personal email accounts) may
send to, and I would like to implement procmail as a content filter to
bounce spam that isn't caught by RBL and the like.

From reading of the material on it appears
that both of these capabilities would be extensions to the smtpd
process, as neither content filtering hooks nor sender+recipient
filtering are currently implemented there.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                               
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