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Re: Archiving old mail

1998-12-31 05:00:08
|Wed 1998-12-30 Martin Schulze 
<joey(_at_)finlandia(_dot_)Infodrom(_dot_)North(_dot_)DE> list.procmail
| > How do I set about archiving mail by date, either month or year?
| Try something like this:
| SUFFIX=`date +%Y%m`
| :0
| * ^X-Mailing-List: .*\/[a-z][^ ]*@
| {
|         LIST=`expr match $MATCH '\(.*\)\@'`
|         :0:
|         $LIST.$SUFFIX
| }

Alternatively may I suggest using 20x faster and more general method that
use pure procmail means and no external binaries like `date' and `expr'.

    PMSRC       = <your-procmail-rc-code-dir-here>
    RC_DATE     = $PMSRC/pm-jadate.rc           # name the subroutines
    RC_LIST     = $PMSRC/pm-jaliste.rc          # Finds mailing list name

    ... somewhere at the top of .procmailrc ...

    INCLUDERC   = $RC_DATE                      # defines all date variables 
    TODAY       = $YYYY-$MM                     # or $YYYY-$MM-$DD

    INCLUDERC   = $RC_LIST                      # Call mailing list detector

    :0 :
    * LIST ?? [a-z]                             # was the LIST name grabbed?
    | list.$LIST.$TODAY                         # archive it

You can convert the mailing list name grabbed by RC_LIST wery conveniently
if you configure this variable: a) left; grabbed name b) right; wanted name

           JA_LIST_CONVERSION = "\
           jde       java.jde,\
           java      java.prog,\
           FLAMENCO  flamenco,\
See more from pm-code.shar where all modules are included. You can get the
file by sending message "send pm-code.shar" to my address (See X-info field).


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