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Detecting pine in procmail

1999-01-20 14:31:02
I'm a new procmail user and I have a unique problem.  I use procmail to
filter mail from certain users and forward it to my pager.  When I am
reading my mail with another application I would rather not have procmail
process my pagerNames.rc file, since my local mail reader will beeb.
Usually I read my mail with pine, so essentially I want a procmail recipe
that will detect wether or not pine is running, and if not process my
pagerNames recipes.  Is this possible?  I realize it is out of the scope
of what a mail filter should do, but it would be very useful.

I would also like some pointers to resources on how to have procmail
notify pine that there is mail in a folder (or configure pine to notify me
if there is mail in a folder other than the inbox) and also pointers on
how to trim the from and subject headers before forwarding to my pager.

- Pat

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