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Re: Avoiding Outgoing Bulk Mail

1999-03-10 01:23:19
On Tue, 09 Mar 1999 13:51:56 -0700, deedsmis(_at_)ris(_dot_)net wrote:
If you're only sending e-mail to a few individuals, how do you
avoid it going out as bulk mail?

It is by definition "bulk" when you send to many people. What you
should be concerned with -- if I guess your intentions correctly -- is
to make sure it's never +unsolicited+.

E.g. <> has some explanations of the terminology.
Basically, make sure everyone you send to has opted in (and not been
spoofed etc). If you do this on a larger scale than just close friends
of yours, you should probably be using a proper mailing list manager
and set it up to confirm subscriptions etc.

Hope this helps,

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