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Re: Message count

1999-03-24 11:22:20
Not 100% bullet proof, but try
  cat ${MAILFILE} | grep '^From ' | wc -l

On 03/24/1999 15:27 +0100, Maciej Donotek wrote:
     My problem is not directly related to procmail, but maybe someone help.
     I'd like to get number of messages saved to given mail folder using 
just simple
     unix command (like grep, wc etc.) from script. Is there some 
non-redundant (one
     per message) text token to use? I've tried "^Messge-ID: " but doesn't 
seem to
     work O.K. Maybe  some special program exists just to display folder 
End of included message

| Tim Walberg                          | Phone:  (847) 632-3407             |
| Motorola CE/ITS                      | Pager:  (800) SKY-TEL2 PIN:1384689 |
| 1475 W Shure Dr. IL75-2H14           | FAX:    (847) 632-5769             |
| Arlington Heights, IL 60004          |                                    |
|      | E-mail: 
walberg(_at_)cig(_dot_)mot(_dot_)com,       |
| (pager) |         1384689(_at_)skytel(_dot_)com 
(pager) |

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