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Re: Auto-replies

1999-04-09 10:02:04
On Apr 9, 11:13am, Everett Gamory wrote:
Subject: Auto-replies
Dear Sir/Ms.

I am new to Sendmail/Procmail/Formail.  I would like to know how to set
up the auto-reply feature.  I am using Sendmail version 8.9 on a SUN
SPARCclassic box.

Please let me know if I left out any pertinent info.

Thanks in advance,

Everett Gamory
-- End of excerpt from Everett Gamory
        This is what I use to return a file MIME encoded to someone.   Note the
use of mimencode (might be mmencode on your system) to base-64 encode the file,
and the use of a unique identifier string.  The dashes before and after the
unique string are significant, with the ones in the mail body being --string,
and the final one being --string--.
        Add the x-loop field, and at the very beginning of your .procmailrc
file, have a loop screen.

#This sends my resume as a mime attachment to anyone who wants a
#copy of my resume in PDF (Acrobat) format
* ^Subject:.*send pdf resume
* !^X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca\(_dot_)net
| (formail -r \
     -I"X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca(_dot_)net"\
     -I"MIME-Version: 1.0"\
     -I"Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"fls3jekls3=_sd3\"";\
   echo "--fls3jekls3=_sd3";\
   echo "Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII";\
   echo "";\
   cat $HOME/pdf.rsp;\
   echo "--fls3jekls3=_sd3";\
   echo "Content-Type: APPLICATION/PDF; name=\"saroffm.pdf\"";\
   echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64";\
   echo "Content-Description:";\
   echo "";\
   /usr/bin/mimencode -b $HOME/saroffm.pdf;\
   echo "--fls3jekls3=_sd3--") | $SENDMAIL -t

#Put Stuff with loop set to the Loop folder
#Prevents loops
* ^X-Loop: msaroff(_at_)pca\(_dot_)net

Matthew Saroff
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