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Problem with auto-reply: mail received twice!

1999-04-16 06:15:40
Hello All,

  I tried to use the following rc for vacation auto-reply.
  It works fine but when this recipe...:

    (see below within {})
    # Check the cache for a recent ack
    * !? fgrep -s "$FROMADDR $DATE" $ACKS

   ...matches its condition I get mail once (it's what I want) but
   when id DOES NOT I receive TWO copies of each incoming mail (it's
   what I DO NOT want).
   Please help me get rid of duplicate mails.

Thanx in advance
Best regards,
 Serge                          mailto:serge7(_at_)usa(_dot_)net

# ackmail.rc -- procmail rc to acknowledge mail (with either a
#               vacation message, or an acknowledgement)
# Author: Alan Stebbens <aks(_at_)hub(_dot_)ucsb(_dot_)edu>
# $Id: ackmail.rc,v 1.2 1995/02/10 04:16:13 aks Exp $
# $Source: /fs/eci1c/home/staff/aks/src/mail/procmail/lib/RCS/ackmail.rc,v $
# Usage:
#   After setting the variables below appropriately, add the following
#   to your .procmailrc:
#      INCLUDERC=ackmail.rc
# Features:
#  If the file $VACAMSG exists, it is assumed that the user is in
#  "vacation mode", and mail will be acknowledged with the contents of
#  the $VACAMSG file, with the subject line appended with "[on
#  vacation]".
#  If $VACAMSG doesn't exist, and $ACKMSG does, mail will be
#  acknowledged with the contents of $ACKMSG with the subject line
#  appended with "[acknowledgment]".
#  If neither the file $ACKMSG nor $VACAMSG exists, this recipe does
#  nothing.
#  Mail from any daemon or the usual set of mailing lists will not be
#  acknowledged (uses ^FROM_DAEMON).
#  Mail from any of a set of configured users ($NOACKS) will not be
#  acknowledged (be default, this includes the user).
#  Mail from any user will only be acknowledged once per day.
#  Regardless of whether or not "ackmail.rc" acknowledges the mail, any
#  recipes following the INCLUDERC will continue to filter the incoming
#  mail (that is, it is not considered to be delivered).
# Before including the "ackmail.rc" file, be sure to setup the following
# variables:
# MY_ADDR       - preferred email address for the user
# MY_NAMES      - regex matcing personal names & alternatives;
#                 ultimately, only mail addressed to $MY_NAMES
#                 will be acknowledged; defaults to the
#                 contents of $SIGNATURE or $HOME/.signature, in
#                 that order.
# NOACKS        - regex matching people from whom to NOT
#                 acknowledge mail; defaults to $MY_ADDR
# ACKS          - file containing the acknowledgment cache;
#                 defaults to $MAILDIR/.acks.cache
# ACKMSG        - file containing the message to reply with;
#                 defaults to $MAILDIR/ackmsg
# VACAMSG       - file containing the message to reply with;
#                 defaults to $MAILDIR/vacation.msg
# FROMSIG       - From: header to use in the auto-ack; defaults
#                 to "Mailer-Daemon of $USER"
# And be sure PATH includes the directory containing "formail".

MY_NAMES=${MY_NAMES:-${SIGNATURE:-`cat $HOME/.signature 2>/dev/null`}}
FROMSIG=${FROMSIG:-"Mailer-Daemon of $USER"}

# Handy regexp patterns (taken from "headers.rc")
FROM="(^(((Resent-)?(From|Sender)|X-Envelope-From):|>?From )$PRE_ADDR_SPAN)"

# Begin the tests
# 1. Is it addressed to me (using any of my names)?
# 2. Is there an acknowledgement file or vacation message file?
# 3. Is the mail NOT from any kind of daemon
# 4. Is the mail NOT from a mailing list manager which procmail doesn't know
# 5. Does the subject NOT have any text indicating some kind of automatic
#    reply mechanism has already taken place?
# 6. Is this NOT a message we generated (a bounce, maybe)?
# 7. Is the message NOT from anyone on our "noack" list?

* ? test -f $ACKMSG -o -f $VACAMSG
* !$ $FROM(Majordomo|Listserv)
* ! ^Subject: .*(\[(ack(nowledge?ment)?|on vacation)\]|\
                auto(matic)[- ]reply|\
                away from mail|\
                out of town|\
                can ?not (reply|answer)|\
                (on |via )vacation( program)?)
* !$ ^X-Loop: $MY_ADDR
    # Okay -- we're donig to do the auto-ack or vacation mail
    # We're forking for the auto-ack, shut up comsat, and assume that,
    # in this process, the mail is delivered

    # Don't output logfile info; the user can query $ACKS to see which
    # users have been acknowledged.  This only affects the child
    # process.

    # Check the mail to see if we have replied recently, and if so, if
    # we should reply again
    DATE=`date +'%D'`

    # Get the from address by having formail generate a reply address
    FROMADDR=`formail -rzx To:`

    # Get the subject sans "Re:" and replacing double-quotes
    SUBJ=`formail -zx Subject: | sed -e 's/^Re: *//g' -e 's/["~]/_/g'`

    # Get which file: "vacation.msg" has precedence over "ackmsg"
    ACKFILE=`if [ -f $VACAMSG ]; then echo $VACAMSG ; else echo $ACKMSG ; fi`

    # Get either the string "on vacation" or "acknowledgement"
    ACKM="`if [ -f $VACAMSG ]; then echo 'on vacation' ; else echo 
acknowledgment ; fi`"

    # Check the cache for a recent ack
    * !? fgrep -s "$FROMADDR $DATE" $ACKS
    | ( fgrep -v "$FROMADDR" $ACKS ; echo "$FROMADDR $DATE" ) >$ ; \
      rm -f $ACKS ; mv $ $ACKS ; \
      ( formail -rI"From:       $FROMSIG" \
                 -I"Reply-To:   $MY_ADDR" \
                 -I"Precedence: junk" \
                 -I"Subject:    Re: $SUBJ [$ACKM]" \
                 -I"X-Loop:     $MY_ADDR" \
                 -I"References:" ; \
        sed -e "s~\$SUBJECT~$SUBJ~" $ACKFILE ) \
      | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

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