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Re: [Q] setting group id of mailbox

1999-04-24 09:58:04
On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, Philip Guenther wrote:

Moreover, how can I hack the src or config.h in order to do "660" and
<user,mail> ownership of the mailbox without changing /var/mail directory? 
(I can change to 660 of the mailbox from config.h file but still ownership
cannot be changed)

Let's back up a little.  _Why_ do you want the mailboxes to be mode 660?

It is because I want to backward compatible with mail.local or /bin/mail
in solaris and sendmail use them as the local mailer in case Procmail do
not fit our requirements or badly configuration(e.g. performance overhead,
no user filtering...)  Although I know procmail give me much more
extensions and features as a MUA, we have been using mail.local for years
and we must ensure fast recovery once we find our newly installed procmail
configuration problem.

I am sorry if my requirement is no friendly.


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