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Re: Simple query

1999-05-06 03:49:44
Duncan Hill <dhill(_at_)sunbeach(_dot_)net> writes:
I'm trying to get a recipe to file the body of an incoming mail in a
file, and then hand it off to a perl program for some processing.  So
far I have:

* ^FROM(_dot_)*dhill(_at_)pct(_dot_)edu
       :0 bc
       :0 b
       | perl /home/dhill/

The log file contains:
From dhill(_at_)pct(_dot_)edu  Wed May  5 20:39:44 1999
 Folder: /home/dhill/data                           32
From dhill(_at_)pct(_dot_)edu  Wed May  5 20:40:53 1999
 Folder: perl /home/dhill/              32

I know my FROM match is probably a bit wrong, but I can't see why
procmail is not doing the perl part properly.

What is it not doing properly?  Is the perl script not running?
I would suggest doing two things.  Firstly, to guard against a class
of problems, add
        SHELL = /bin/sh

at the top of your .procmailrc.  Secondly, you should tell procmail to
check the return code of perl by adding the 'w' flag to that recipe:

        :0 bw
        | perl /home/dhill/

procmail v3.11pre7 1997/04/28 on AIX 4.3.0

You should probably upgrade to version 3.13.1, but that shouldn't
change any of the above.

Philip Guenther

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