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Re: Simple questions to start

1999-05-28 05:31:29
On 27 May 1999, Stan Ryckman <stanr(_at_)sunspot(_dot_)tiac(_dot_)net> wrote:
At 02:57 AM 5/28/99 +0300, Liviu Daia wrote:

2. ^FROM (as apposed to ^From:) - Checks "From:", "Resent-by" and
similar header lines. True or False.

   [*Sigh*] False, please RTFM.  Unlike ^FROM_DAEMON and
^FROM_MAILER, ^FROM has no special meaning.  If you are doing
case-insensitive matching, it will match "From " and "From:" lines,
and that's all.

Well, yes, it has no special meaning; however, it technically *can*
match other header lines, such as:

    Fromage: cheddar

which, though there aren't any among RFC-specified headers, aren't

    IIRC, the RFC-blessed convention is that all non-standard headers
should have names starting with "X-".


    Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia               e-mail:   Liviu(_dot_)Daia(_at_)imar(_dot_)ro
Institute of Mathematics     web page:
of the Romanian Academy      PGP key:

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