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Re: NIS users unknown for procmail?

1999-05-31 20:10:39
Peter Koltl <koltl(_at_)infosys(_dot_)ceu(_dot_)hu> writes:
Could someone tell me if procmail (v3.13.1) can recognize NIS users?

$ ypcat passwd|grep koltl

OK (NIS user entries are in /etc/passwd.nis)

$ procmail -d koltl
procmail: Unknown user "koltl"

Procmail simply uses the standard getpwnam() and getpwuid() routines.
The three things I would check are:

(a) Does /etc/passwd have the correct "+:::etc..." entry in it?  If NIS
    users can login, then the answer must be yes.  Otherwise, fix it.

(b) When procmail was compiled, did it link against a broken libsocket
    and libnsl?  If the procmail initmake script put those on the link
    line then do a "make realclean", edit Makefile and remove -lsocket
    and -lnsl from SEARCHLIBS, and the rebuild procmail and give it
    another shot.

(c) Some versions of IRIX require -lsun to be linked in for NIS users
    to be visible for a given program (what _were_ they thinking???).
    I think they fixed that before IRIX 6.4, but if the above two items
    didn't fix it, try changing whether or not -lsun is in SEARCHLIBS
    after doing a "make realclean" and before recompiling.

Philip Guenther

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