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Re: small problem

1999-05-31 23:16:30

Yep, that's it.
Thanks for your help.


On Mon, 31 May 1999, Philip Guenther wrote:

Bertil Stenstrom <stenis(_at_)sto(_dot_)sema(_dot_)se> writes:
Hi all,
One small problem:
When upgrading my RedHat 5.2 to 6.0 I got procmail-3.13.1-2

Now this recepie don't work anymore:

* ^X-Loop.*redhat

instead I get the message in my default-box. I've verified that the
content really is in the header:

Resent-From: redhat-list(_at_)redhat(_dot_)com
Reply-To: redhat-list(_at_)redhat(_dot_)com
X-Mailing-List: <redhat-list(_at_)redhat(_dot_)com> archive/latest/41893
X-Loop: redhat-list(_at_)redhat(_dot_)com
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: redhat-list-request(_at_)redhat(_dot_)com

What could be the deal here ??

If none of your recipes are working (or if that's the only recipe in
your .procmailrc) then the problem is probably that starting with
version 3.12, procmail became more paranoid about trusting a user's
.procmailrc, such it won't use it if $HOME or $HOME/.procmailrc is
group-writable.  Try executing the command:

      chmod g-w $HOME $HOME/.procmailrc

and see if that solves the problem.

Philip Guenther

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