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Re: Help with formail -X (another forwarding to phone)

1999-06-09 05:55:47
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 14:50:43 +0200 (MET DST), Kjetil Kjernsmo
<kjetil(_dot_)kjernsmo(_at_)astro(_dot_)uio(_dot_)no> wrote:
I'm really confused. I just got a mobile phone with an address to
send SMS messages to (like everybody else), and I'm trying to get
procmail to forward some stuff to me. I've seen that the archives
should make sure the From-header is kept as it is, but it isn't.... 

It appears that several SMS/pager providers wrongly display the From_
line as if it were the From: header. This should be easy enough to
test; send yourself a test message with a bogus From: header and see
if it shows the From: header like you expected, or if you see the
address from the From_ line instead.

Flog them if they do this; it's +wrong+ (at least in terms of
usability, i.e. users frequently want to be able to set From: to
something arbitrary, which is trivial and safe, whereas setting From_
to something arbitrary is certainly possible but will break other
things badly).

(If you are unsure of what your configuration will do to your test
message, perhaps you should Cc: it to another address somewhere, such
as Hotmail, just to make sure the bogus From: really does make it
through. Or if you speak enough SMTP, connect directly to your SMS
provider's SMTP server and type in a test message by hand.)

Let's revisit one statement here:

it seems the 'formail -k -X "From:"'-stuff (yeah, I've tried both),
should make sure the From-header is kept as it is, but it isn't.... 

To me, "make sure" sounds like you don't really understand what's
going on here. This command tells formail to zap everything except the
body and the From: header. There is no implied guarantee that e.g.
your local Sendmail will not subsequently do something naughty to the
From: header (although it seems unlikely and even wacky; but certainly
formail has no control over that).

Finally, an idea I have is that the script only forwards after
checking if I've been idle for say, one hour. I have no idea how to
do this, though...

I don't believe there is a simple and generally accepted definition
for what should constitute "being idle". I'm unsure how finger(1)
keeps track of this, but I frequently find the information to be
inaccurate on some systems I have access to.

However, if you're at all like me, the latest access time of my main
mailbox (and perhaps a couple of other telltale files and directories)
provide a reasonable clue as to when I have last been working. (The
mailbox will obviously not be a good idea if you have Procmail
delivering straight to your box, but I use intermediate spool files so
the actual inbox gets accessed -- and modified -- only when I actually
read it.)

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