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Re: help with maximum message size rules

1999-06-23 21:25:51
| What I want to know is how I can store a good copy of the
| message headers in a variable or something which can then
| be used in my auto-reply?  I've tried storing the headers
| in a variable but the carriage returns are lost (and there's
| a finite limit to the length of headers that can be stored
| in a variable).

The newlines wouldn't be lost unless you tried to echo it without quoting
the variable.

I'm sorry, I should have included my recipie portion which
attempted to get the headers:

-- cut here --

    :0 h
    HEADERS=| echo

    # Generate the auto-reply
    :0 h
    * !^X-Loop: X-BOUNCE-FILE-SIZE
    | (formail -r \
       -I"Subject: Returned Mail: ${SUBJECT}" \
       -I"From: MAILER-DAEMON(_at_)${HOST}" \
       -A"X-Max-Message-Size: ${MAXMSGSIZE} bytes" \
       -A"X-Bounced-Reason: Maximum Message Size Exceeded" \
       -A"X-Loop: X-BOUNCE-FILE-SIZE" ; \
       cat /usr/local/etc/autoreplies/bounce-file-size; \
       echo ${HEADERS} ) | $SENDMAIL -t

-- cut here --

This recipie portion echos the headers but doesn't save the carriage returns.

In any case, I tried your suggestion and it worked wonderfully... thanks!