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Re: Simple regex doesn't match

1999-09-23 07:25:53
Your recipe is looking for "To: abeg1", literally.  That doesn't match
what you want to rewrite.  The regexp should be "^To:.*abeg1".  The ".*"
tells procmail any number of characters are allowed between "To:" and
"abeg1".  You should probably also escape the "." in the sed one-liner
to be completely correct, though the chance of a false match seems

Kris Boulez wrote:

I want to rewrite the following

To: "Kris Boulez" <krbou(_dot_)ABEG1PO1(_dot_)ABEG1DOM(_at_)pgsgent(_dot_)be>


To: "Kris Boulez" <krbou(_at_)pgsgent(_dot_)be>

I thought the following procmail recipe would do this

:0 fhbw
* ^To: abeg1
| sed -e 's/ABEG1PO1.ABEG1DOM//'

But it doesn't. The log file says

procmail: No match on "^To: abeg1"

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