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Re: Can't create output

1999-10-07 12:23:39
On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Philip Guenther wrote:

Thank you very much for explaining the X-Loop and \$LIST stuff, now it's
really clear. Exactly this I was missing in procmaoil-tips. OK, maybe I
really did not read enough more basic documents.

More importantly, I don't think you want to have formail generate an
autoreply on this, as the 'resend' program from Majordomo does this
itself and will get completely confused if you do it before handing the
message to resend.  Also, doesn't Majordomo have its own methods of
catching loops?  Since I don't think it passes incoming X-Loop: header
fields through to the outgoing message, I don't even think adding one
here will help any.

It has some protectiion againt FROM_DAEMON etc. Unfortunately not if
someone misconfigures ntserver and it's rejectin/resending messages NOT to
Reply-To, but to From: ! ;-) Argh. So it comes back to the list and to to


To tell the truth, I would suggest removing *all* the recipes after the
"INCLUDERC=/etc/procmail/pm-jamime-kill.rc" line and replacing them with
a simple:

      :0 w
      | /usr/majordomo/wrapper resend -l $LIST $LIST-outgoing-*-*-*,$EXTRA

and then let Majordomo do its job.

Well, this is exactly where I was over-yesterday, but I had to implement
the X-Loop: stuff, at least I think it would help. My luck was BTW:, that
in sendmail we have set that maximum number of hops is 17, not default 25.
In majordomo I've set that it does not discard old-headers, so, most of
the people on the did not get it, because of Too many hops. What a luck!
-i.e., only people on localhost etc. got them. ;-)

Martin Mokrejs - PGP 5.0i key at: finger://
<mmokrejs(_at_)natur(_dot_)cuni(_dot_)cz> Faculty of Science, The Charles 

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