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Re: [procmail] Re: Y2K problem in auto-responder

2000-01-03 16:37:17
Adam Shostack wrote:  (Hello, Adam!)

<> Can you get smail to not insert a Date: header?

IIRC, If there already is a date, smail won't supercede it. (Sendmail

<> If so, you can use formail -A "Date: `date`" to insert a better date
<> header.  There's probably a variable that contains the date as well,
<> to save the forking.

ARPA date != `date` date ...

Using your mail as an example date:

 ARPA Date Style: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 17:46:26 -0500
 Date Command:    Mon Jan  3 17:46:26 EST 2000

If you're going to wedge it with date, then try this:

  ARPATIME=`date +"%a, %d %b %Y %T"`
  formail -A "Date: $ARPATIME -0500"

(To many sets of double quotes to want to try and figure out the right
escapes, if there are any ...)

This is the Solaris 2.7 version of /usr/bin/date -- it also works on
Redhat 6.1, check for whatever date needs for your OS.

R A Lichtensteiger       rali(_at_)meitca(_dot_)com -or- 
    "Yes, you're doing things right, but are you doing the right things?"
    "Nope.  I'm just doing something dumb fast."

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