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Re: "unsafe for mailing to programs"

2000-02-04 14:13:03
On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 12:52:50PM -0800, Dave Robbins 
(dave(_at_)geol(_dot_)ucsb(_dot_)edu) said:

I still haven't gotten procmail 3.14 to work.
Now, anyone emailing me when I have the following file
named as my .forward,

   270 geosci:/home/dave% more .forward.x
   "|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail"

they get (from a unix shell):

   /home/dave/.forward: line 1: "|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail"... 
   Address dave is unsafe for mailing to programs

It's a problem with sendmail.  I think you need to put a
symbolic link to procmail in /etc/smrsh, and change your
.forward to |/usr/local/bin/procmail. 

But what sendmail is almost certainly balking on is

   -rw-rw----   1 dave     sysadmin      32 Jan 31 19:39 .forward.x
          ^^^ the fact that your .forward is group writable.  It might
be unhappy with the group readable too, I'm not sure.

I'd try changing the permission on the .forward file before you
mess with the other stuff.

If I'm wrong, of course, I'll be corrected and no doubt lightly
roasted.  :-)

Jim Toth
"My greatest fear is that I will not be remembered" -- Anonymous

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