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[Procmail:] No valid shell for mailing to programs ?

2000-02-15 10:21:36

 procmail doesn't like me on AIX. When delivered locally, from the AIX
machine, all is well, and procmail works as expected. When trying to
send mail from the outside I get the following error message:

I keep getting Mailer daemon responses:

Subject: Returned mail: /home/u02/sad/.forward: line 1: "|IFS=' ' && exec
/usr/l ocal/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #sad"... User
sad(_at_)coucou(_dot_)xxx(_dot_)xxxxxx(_dot_)xx(_dot_)xx does n't have a valid 
shell for mailing to programs

My machine runs:

uname -v -r: version AIX 2 4

Procmail is

procmail version:

   coucou pts/23 [224] ~> procmail -v
   procmail v3.11pre7 1997/04/28 written and created by Stephen R. van den Berg
   Submit questions/answers to the procmail-related mailinglist by sending to:
   And of course, subscription and information requests for this list to:
   Locking strategies:     dotlocking, fcntl(), lockf()
   Default rcfile:         $HOME/.procmailrc

and lives in

-rwsr-sr-x   1 root     mail       90110 Oct 19 1997  procmail

${HOME}/.forward and ${HOME}/.procmailrc are chmod ugo+r, and my login
shell is tcsh, and in .procmailrc I have specified /usr/bin/sh as SHELL.
From the manual page, it appears that that one is linked to ksh, and a
quick look at the file system shows them as  as hard linked:

coucou pts/23 [266] /usr/bin> ls -il sh ksh
 4140 -r-xr-xr-x   4 bin      bin       235102 Aug  5 1999  ksh*
 4140 -r-xr-xr-x   4 bin      bin       235102 Aug  5 1999  sh*

Now, using ksh as SHELL doesn't change things, either. 

What is happening?

On some procmail help web page, I stumbled across:

  A: Here are some of the most typical problems with getting Procmail to
  run in the first place:
    * If you seem never to be able to execute Procmail from your
      .forward file, it could be that your site is using smrsh, the
      Sendmail Restricted Shell, for mail delivery. In this case, you
      should get a bounce message saying something like "Address <foo(_at_)bar>
      is unsafe for mailing to programs" or "Cannot use <metacharacter> in
      command". Your admin has to explicitly tell smrsh that Procmail is a
      program you are allowed to call up from your .forward (if you are --
      you might not be, since there are security risks involved; users can
      basically run any program they wish from within Procmail, thereby
      invalidating the whole idea with smrsh. Look for a compile-time fix
      in an upcoming version of Procmail, though. The administrator will
      then be able to restrict which programs the user's Procmail can
      execute ... and then you might even be able to persuade your admin
      to install Procmail as your local MDA for this feature alone). (It
      could also be that you're running Red Hat or some other system where
      your home directory is group writable, without the group-writable
      option compiled into Procmail; see the Red Hat problem in the Bugs
      and Gotchas section for a discussion.)

Now ... I think I know root pretty well on that AIX box, and I know that
root doesn't know how to proceed. Any help would be most welcome.

[I will post this also to an AIX news group, just in case.]

Cheers,  Stefan

Stefan A. Deutscher                       | (+33-(0)1)   voice      fax
Laboratoire des Collisions Atomiques et   | LCAM :  6915-7699  6915-7671
Mol\'{e}culaires (LCAM), B\^{a}timent 351 | home :  5624-0992  call first
Universit\'{e} de Paris-Sud               | email:  sad(_at_)utk(_dot_)edu 
91405 Orsay Cedex, France (Europe)        |         (forwarded to France)
 .. do you know what they call a quarter-pounder with cheese in Paris?

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  • [Procmail:] No valid shell for mailing to programs ?, Stefan A. Deutscher <=